Eco is a leading customer engagement solution for the restaurants, serving large brands globally.

Value Proposition for the F&B Industry


Better Customer Recovery

We create value by alerting the outlet management in real time about noteworthy incidents that need recovery. Value is generated by such customers entertaining the idea of a repeat visit although the experience didn’t unfold in an optimal manner initially.


More Income through Rewards

Incremental revenues are generated from cross selling through rewards. E.g. if a guest receives a free dessert platter, you may want to make it dependent on the order of a main course meal as well. The income calculated here considers costs of preparing the reward as well as the expenditure on marketing the reward to the guest.


Operative Improvements

This is the traditional space of surveys: Guests share their opinion and the results are being aggregated. Once the business detects commonality of concern, a project is formed to mitigate the concern.


Online Reputation Monitoring & Improvement

Eco generates incremental revenue by being able to command higher ADR due to higher positive reviews on the internet. Eco is not a tool that just tracks but also improves online scores.


Build a Customer Database

The F&B business is largely anonymous. Eco, however, helps you convert unnamed customers to loyal repeat visitors. You can generate incremental sales when marketing to customers re-using some of the comments they have given to increase hit rates of special menu or event promotions.


Improved Operational Transparency & Employee Satisfaction

Eco increases Employee Satisfaction by making service incidents transparent. Suddenly, front line employees realize that their bosses notice the effort they put in with the customers. Implementing Eco transforms customer services into a motivating team discipline.